Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Redesign ... File Chapter 11

Venerable Reader's Digest, the predecessor to the Uncle John's Bathroom Series, has recently undergone a major redesign.

Now, it's a victim of our economy. In last night's news, we heard that Reader's Digest was filing for Chapter 11 Banckruptcy protection:

"Reader's Digest CEO Mary Berner insisted, though, that the company's U.S. magazines remain strong, with the number of ad pages down less than 6 percent through the September editions. She said Reader's Digest titles rely less on luxury brands and high-income tastes, giving them an added appeal in a recession that has clobbered much of the print media industry.
"Our brands are home and heartland. Our brands have a very, very Midwestern sensibility — a back-to-basics sensibility," she said in an interview. "Reader's Digest has actually done quite well."

1 comment:

  1. Everybody wants to be an absolute legend in their own right. Who wouldn't want to be? After all we want to be the best in where ever we are in at the moment. Nobody remembers the second best and we don't want that.
