Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just Another Ordinary Day in Hawaii

The Pro Bowl just concluded a thiry year history in Hawaii. Alas, next year it will be in Miami the week before the Super Bowl.

There will be blue skies, there will be "B" roll shots of the Atlantic Ocean. But here is what will be missing: some of the best players won't be there, because they can't risk an injury before the Super Bowl. The blue skies of Hawaii. The Pacific Ocean. Beautiful faces of many different colors. Leis and Hula.

And here's what Hawaii will miss: one of the best advertisements there has ever been for our beautiful state. Sure, we were disappointed that not as many people came for the Pro Bowl this year -- they were at home, looking for new jobs -- but they got to see it on TV -- hopefully HDTV. Viewers not only saw "B" roll of our majestic volcanoes, no longer active, but blowing our minds every time we see them -- they saw the interaction of people -- of the faces of Hawaii, the Aloha, the friendliness.

One year, the Hawaii Visitors Bureau had a campaign Come for the Beauty, Stay for the People. Boy is that ever true. So next year, we won't have the Pro Bowl. But we'll still have Hawaii.

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