Sunday, March 15, 2009

NYT says "Just Don't Compare it to Google"

Compare it to google indeed., which got a half page in NYT's Sunday Business section is often described on blogs as a search engine that would someday eclipse google.
They see themselves as beyond a search engine -- sort of a computer/human type editor.
Well, I know they are just getting going --- and they invite you to learn more about Voltaire or Elizabeth Taylor above their search window.

But I thought, I would just try me, Gloria Garvey. Google came up with 140,000 results, and Kosmix came up with a grid of pictures (accurate) and some info (not so accurate).

While Kosmix is all about mixing it up in the Kosmos of humanity and its profundities, their new app, MeeHive, they say is the best way to gather the news you are interested in. The picture above is called Jeannette's Hive from If its about news, why are they showing friends?

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