Thursday, September 17, 2009

Get Healthy Rest

I still need more healthy rest in order to work at my best. My health is the main capital I have and I want to administer it intelligently. - Ernest Hemingway (1899 - 1961)

This is posted on American Heart Association's Go Red site. I found it very funny, considering its author, the fact that he lived only 62 years and that he was known as one of the louche-est guys around.

This speaks to brand. To use or not to use? Not to use.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Joe Wilson, Is Andrea Mitchell a liar?

Teddy Kennedy's True Compass is being held for release until September 14. This monday.

I have a running joke of me coming into the store and asking to buy it every day. BookEnds. They are good people. They say no.

On the first day the media talked about it, Andrea Mitchell went out of her way to say she had picked it up at a local book store. The question is:

1. Did the bookstore give her a copy in the hopes she'd mentioned their name? (she didn't)

2. Did the publisher give it to her, and tell her to say it, so we'd all rush to our bookstores?

3. Did the bookstore in question a) not exist b) is owned by Andrea Mitchell c)hate the publisher?

4. Did Andrea Mitchell lie? I defer to the "gentleman" from South Carolina? Wassup Joe? Don't be muzzled now.