Kal Penn, best known as Kumar from Harold and Kumar, and for his role as one of House's benighted subjects on the eponymously named television show has died in his role as Dr. Kutner, committing suicide.
The end of the show, after showing all of Kutner's friends working out their agnst, FOX takes the appalling step of creating a memorial for Kutner and asking people to comment:
www.fox.com/kutnerThis show is beginning to seem too much like tryouts for the Stockholm syndrome, and after so many comedies and dramas who dedicated their shows to real live souls who have passed on, this fake memorial smacks of FOX will do anything...
They even posted a fake obit from the fake Mercer County Courier (for those of you with brains like Kal Penn -- he quit the show to do something that matters, signing on a arts liason for the White House). At least some people know Celebrity isn't Everything.
Mercer County Courier April 7, 2009
Dr. Lawrence Kutner died on Thursday, April 2nd from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was 33 years old."Dr. Kutner was a hard working, young doctor with a kind, unassuming, gentle manner. He will be missed by all of us", said Dr. Lisa Cuddy, Dean of Medicine at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, where Dr. Kutner worked.Dr. Kutner was born in Freemont, California. Tragedy marred his early life as he lost his parents, Karamchand and Niki Baidwan, who were shot during an armed robbery. After a couple of years in foster care, Julia and Richard Kutner adopted Lawrence. He showed great promise in high school, winning a Westinghouse Science award for an experiment involving dark matter. His adoptive parents mused that he showed a freethinking, inventive streak from a young age.Viewers are asked to leave their message for Dr. Kutner.
DON'T YOU DARE POST A COMMENT (on the memorial site).